
I-st International Conference KEEPING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE SAFE ONLINE Warsaw, Poland 16-17 October 2007

On the 16-17 th of October at the Sheraton Hotel in Warsaw there took place an International Conference "Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online".

Polish police arrested 49 people for possessing and distributing child pornograph

Polish police arrested 49 people, including teachers and clergy, and seized computers and thousands of CDs and DVDs containing child pornography on the 21st of August. Police searched more than 50 homes, offices and Internet cafes Monday morning, taking possession of 92 computers and about 3,000 discs containing child pornography.
«Among those arrested were teachers, a karate teacher, a board member of a major bank and members of the clergy» said the spokesman of the national police.

Child: Witness with Special Needs in Poland

Your Honour, I am scared
Your Honour, I am scared
The first stage of the campaign "Child: Witness with Special Needs" was carried out in Poland in the years 2004-2005. On February 22, 2004, during a ceremony organized by the Ministry of Justice and the Nobody's Children Foundation, 2004 was announced the Year of Child Victims of Crime. Moreover, several programs were inaugurated, aimed at protecting children from crime and supporting child victims of crime who participate in legal procedures.

I am going to court

I am going to court - cover, Latvia
I am going to court - cover, Latvia
The activity book for children to help them in getting ready for witnessing in court. It is dedicated for younger children (5-12 years old) and should be filled in by a child under the supervision of a professional or a parent or a caregiver. By short and easy description it helps to understand the institution of court justice and the role and obligations of a little witness. The book was published in Poland in 2002.