

Sieciaki.pl is an innovative educational project run by the Nobody's Children Foundation that was launched on Safer Internet Day 2005.

The project comprises two major elements: a website and a desktop application to be installed on registered users' PCs. Additionally, the project involved meetings with children, open-air events, concerts, and educational sessions. Films, songs, and multimedia materials have been prepared as well.

Interview Room in MAZOWIECKA Center

The interview room must meet both the psychophysical needs of children, and the formal requirements associated with legal interviews. The technical equipment includes a big one-way mirror, providing good visibility, a camera transmitting the image to the other room and recording the interview, as well as microphones registering sounds. Opposite to popular beliefs, we have not hidden the camera and the microphones.

International Standards of Protecting Victims of Crime

Child as a Witness
Child as a Witness
The article written by Monika Sajkowska and Jolanta Szymańczak presents major international and national efforts aimed at improving the situation of crime victims, as well as developing regulations, which would define the standards of public institutions' conduct toward victims of crime. Special attention is devoted to victims who are most vulnerable and therefore require special support, i.e., child victims of crime.

Helping child victims of crime at the Nobodys Children Foundations MAZOWIECKA Child Advocacy Center

The article written by Jolanta Zmarzlik describes "Mazowiecka" Child Advocacy Center - place created to meet children's needs and to reduce their distress associated with the role of a court witness or a participant in court proceedings.

The full version of the article is available below.