
“Children not for Abuse”

The main goals of the organization: to assist in realization of children's rights for protection from all types of exploitation, physical and emotional abuse, cruel, rude and insulting treatment, sexual exploitation and sexual perversions including those coming from parents or persons substituting them and relatives.

«Chance» International Childrens Charity Foundation

Chance International Children's Charity Foundation was created specifically to seriously ill children in order to give them a chance to recover - a chance to help them live a full life, to be able to grow and develop, to live among us, bringing joy to their families and benefiting society. Charitable activities are an opportunity for children to receive financial support to pay for expensive treatment and operations, a chance for families to overcome the disease of children.

Christian Children’s Fund

CCF-Belarus is a branch of Christian Children's Fund, Inc. CCF has been working in Belarus since 1993 addressing core causes of Belarusian children and adolescents failing to prosper - poverty, child abuse and neglect, family crisis, disability and the Chernobyl issues, drug and alcohol abuse, and HIV/AIDS. CCF-Belarus creates opportunities for children to achieve their full potential and provides practical tools for positive changes to children, families and communities.


"Ponimanie" ("Understanding") is nationwide and international professional NGO focused on child protection. The mission of INGO "Ponimanie" is to develop the world fit for children through the professional contribution and help children in difficult situations. Most important target groups of "Ponimanie" are children in residential institutions and shelters, abused and neglected children and children-at-risk.