«Chance» International Childrens Charity Foundation

Chance International Children's Charity Foundation was created specifically to seriously ill children in order to give them a chance to recover - a chance to help them live a full life, to be able to grow and develop, to live among us, bringing joy to their families and benefiting society. Charitable activities are an opportunity for children to receive financial support to pay for expensive treatment and operations, a chance for families to overcome the disease of children.


Head Natalia Makhanko

Position Director

Address: P.O. Box 12, 220121 Minsk, Chance Foundation

Legal address: Pritytsky Str., bld.60, block 2, room 231, 220121 Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Tel: + 375 17 216 93 32;  + 375 44 711 11 17

Fax:  + 375 17 216 93 32


E-mail: nmakhanko@chance.by

Submitted by admin on Fri, 2011-07-22 08:49.