The report on issue of child trafficking in Poland- views and experiences of professionals

The study was carried out by Nobody’s Children Foundation in 2009 in the framework of Mario project. Present report is a summary of views and experiences described by representatives of various occupations who – in their professional capacity – are likely to encounter children – victims of trafficking or children from groups at risk (e.g. separated minors).

Report on risk and safety on the Internet

The report presents the full findings from a new and unique survey designed and conducted by the EU Kids Online network. A random stratified sample of 25,142 children aged 9-16 who use the internet, plus one of their parents, was interviewed in 25 European countries. The survey investigated key online risks: pornography, bullying, receiving sexual messages, contact with people not known face-to-face, offline meetings with online contacts, potentially harmful user-generated content and personal data misuse.

Report on the problem of child abuse

The report developed in 2010 by the Nobody's Children Foundation in the frame of the "Childhood without abuse" project compares the attitudes towards child abuse in 6 countries: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine.

Challenging the corporal punishment

The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and Save the Children Sweden have jointly published a new guide which provides children's rights advocates with guidelines, suggestions and strategies on how to challenge the legality of corporal punishment in all settings, including the home, school and justice and care settings.

The conference on Evidence-Based Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders

The conference “European Debate on Evidence-Based Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders”, will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, in February 14th-15th 2011.  This conference is organized by the Government of Catalonia and by Radboud University from Nijmegen and is the endpoint of the European Project DataPrev (“Developing the Evidence base for Mental Health Promotion and Prevention in Europe: Database of programs and the production of guidelines for policy and practice”). 

Report on sexual violence in residential institutions in Poland

The report  “Sexual violence against children. Study of the phenomenon and dimensions of the violence against children raised in the residential institutions” has been prepared by the Nobody’s Children Foundation (Poland) in the frame of the Daphne programme. It is devoted to the problem of victimization of children living in residential care in Poland.


The e-learning module for Child Witnesses

The e-learning module “Child- witness in the court” in the polish language has been created by the Nobody’s Children Foundation. The e-learning may be used by the children to get them familiarized with the upcoming trial.

New anti-human trafficking website

European Commission has launched its anti-human trafficking website on December 21, 2010. The website will promote national information pages with factual information on legislation, action plans, coordination, assistance to victims, etc. The website was launched in conjunction to the approved Trafficking Directive.

The 7th conference on helping children-victims of crime in Poland

The 7th national conference “Helping children- victims of crime” took place in Warsaw on the 25-26 October 2010. It was organized by NCF, Ministry of Justice and the City Council of Warsaw. More than 600 professionals from Poland, especially psychologists and judges, but also prosecutors, policemen, social workers, representatives of the NGOs were participating in the conference. International guests like Elzbieta Britz and Bengt Soderstrom had their lectures on the therapy of a sexually abused child. During the conference 3 polish Friendly Interviewing Rooms were awarded with the certificates.

Victimization of children. Dimension and prevention- conference in Bulgaria

The conference organized by SAPI „Victimization of children. Dimension and  prevention” took place in Sofia, on 9-10 November 2010. The main aim of the conference was sharing experiences and good practices with other practitioners and policy- and decision-makers active in prevention of sexual violence against children. The participation of children victims of violence in legal procedures was also a very important topic.