
Sexual abuse in residential institutions

Sexual abuse suffered by children in residential institutions is still largely unrecognised problem in East European countries. With an aim to plan research and prevention initiatives organisations participating in the Childhood without Abuse Project prepared situational analyses concerning this issue. The reviews focus mainly on statistical data and research observations available, legal regulations and good practices identified in each country.

Child protection systems in Eastern Europe

One of the aims of the Childhood without Abuse Project was to strengthen child protection systems in the countries participating in the project - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine. As a step toward diagnosing the systems and changes that has been introduced so far, flow charts of child protection system in each country have been created by the organizations participating in the project.

CRC on prevention of the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography in Poland

UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has issued Concluding Observations regarding the report on implementation of Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography submitted by the Polish government.

Standards of child-friendly interview room

A child interview room shall be run by an entity having the legal power to administer such a facility.

Such a facility shall have a comfortable room which ensures the feeling of privacy and meets children's needs, to make children feel physically and psychologically secure during the interview.