
Child protection systems in Eastern Europe

One of the aims of the Childhood without Abuse Project was to strengthen child protection systems in the countries participating in the project - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine. As a step toward diagnosing the systems and changes that has been introduced so far, flow charts of child protection system in each country have been created by the organizations participating in the project.

Perception of children’s rights, discrimination and children’s exposure to violence in Macedonia

The field research report on perception of children's rights, discrimination and children's exposure to violence has been issued in Macedonia on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The research was conducted by the First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi among students from 5th to 8th grade in 41 primary schools in 7 towns in Macedonia and among high school students from 1st to 3rd year in 24 high schools in 6 towns in Macedonia, 2 234 students in total.

International day of SOS lines for children

International day of SOS lines for children is celebrated every year in May. Main purpose of this event is to disseminate the idea of assisting children through helplines and promote the existing ones. It was initiated by worldwide network of SOS lines - Child Helpline International. This year the day was celebrated under the leading theme: "Connect with children!".

Global Action Week 2009 in Macedonia

This year Macedonian organization First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi again participated in the Global Action Week Campaign for Education that is internationally celebrated every year by the Global March against Child Labour. In Macedonia many children are deprived of their basic right: the right to education. Thus the main objective of the campaign was inclusion of every child in education and providing literacy for all children.