
Visibility of the See it, Hear it, Say it campaign in Macedonia

First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi has recently conducted study on the visibility of the See it, Hear it, Say it campaign among the Macedonian society. The campaign was run all over the country between 7th November and 10th December 2008.

Newsletter BRISTLY no. 34

Next e-newsletter of the First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi is already available. In the newsletter you can read about World Prevention Day of Child Abuse celebrations, See it, Hear it, Say it campaign and other recent activities that were held in Macedonia.

Below you ca download newsletter in pdf.

Macedonian See it, Hear it, Say it campaign finalized

Closing of the See it, Hear it, Say it campaign in Macedonia took place on 10th December 2008 during a press conference carried out by the First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi and AVA DDB advertising agency. The aim of the conference was to sum up the campaign efforts and its results.

Macedonia: lack of appropriate services for sexually abused children

In Macedonia children victims of sexual abuse are often left on their own with psychological disorders rising form the trauma of abuse. Although Centres for Social Welfare are those responsible to provide assistance in these children, they often don't have the capacities and competences to do so.