
Study on the effects of the campaign Childhood without Violence in Moldova

Effects of the campaign on parents
Effects of the campaign on parents
The general objective of the study conducted by IMAS-Inc Marketing&Sondanje for NCCAP was to assess the visibility of the campaign "Childhood without Violence" on the Moldovian public. The research was also supposed to give an answer to the question of the need for such campaigns and the role and effects of such campaign on parents.

The results of the research are presented in the document below.


Research - The Problem of Child Abuse: Attitudes and Experiences in Seven Countries of Central and Eastern Europe

The studies were conducted in 2005/2006 in seven Eastern European countries: Bulgaria,
Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, and Ukraine.
Report was prepared by Monika Sajkowska, PhD (Nobody`s Children Foundation, Warsaw University, Institute of Applied Social Science)