Poland11 National Conference Helping Children- Victims of Crime in PolandPrevention of child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation in Central and Eastern Europe – a comprehensive approach
On 13-14 October 2014 the kick of meeting of the project „Prevention of child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation in Central and Eastern Europe - a comprehensive approach" was held in NCF's premises in Warsaw.
Comparative report on child abuse
Nobody's Children Foundation published the comparative report from six European countries (Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine) regarding the problem of child abuse. The goal of the study was to assess attitudes towards child abuse and corporal punishment as well as parental practices in six countries participating in the project "Childhood without Abuse: Towards a Better Child Protection System in Eastern Europe" financed by OAK Foundations .
10th Conference Helping Children-Victims of Crime n PolandConference sessions revolved around helping children exposed to violence and abuse, as well as protecting the rights of children involved in legal proceedings. Domestic and international experts spoke about systemic solutions for preventing crimes against children; they also discussed methods, projects and initiatives offering practical assistance to children-victims of crime and their families. |
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