10th Conference Helping Children-Victims of Crime n PolandConference sessions revolved around helping children exposed to violence and abuse, as well as protecting the rights of children involved in legal proceedings. Domestic and international experts spoke about systemic solutions for preventing crimes against children; they also discussed methods, projects and initiatives offering practical assistance to children-victims of crime and their families. Conference proceedings took the form of plenary sessions, expert's lectures, discussion panels, paper presentations and workshops. Invited speakers include international experts - such as family court judge Crichton from Great Britain - Nicholas, psychotherapist from Germany- Lucyna Wrońska and Bengt Söderström - psychologist and psychotherapist from Sweden. The conference was attended by over 560 professionals from Poland working with children and their families, including: judges, public prosecutors, physicians, social workers, curators, police officers, nurses and midwives, teachers, NGO employees, representatives of ministries and local government, as well as academics and researchers. More information about the conference Submitted by admin on Wed, 2013-11-13 11:00.
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