
Prostitution-related crimes and child trafficking in Poland

Nobody's Children Foundation has just published a report from a case - file study on prostitution-related crimes and child trafficking in Poland. It presents conclusions from research on prostitution-related crimes and the crime of trafficking in children for commercial sexual exploitation. English translation is the summary of the full version of the report available in Polish.

Which world do you live in?

17 July 2
012 saw the launch of the ‘Which world do you live in?' social campaign devoted to the problem of computer and Internet abuse by children and adolescents.

Concentration difficulties, sleepiness, poor school results, neglected duties, abandoned friendships, former hobbies given up and replaced by the Internet - these may be some of the serious symptoms indicating that a child starts losing control over the time it spends surfing the net

Dont lose! Campaign against commercial sexual exploitation in Poland and Ukraine

Commercial sexual exploitation of children means not only forced prostitution, but also undertaking sexual contacts with minors in exchange for money or gifts. It is a form of child abuse and a crime punished with imprisonment. Although teenagers offering or consenting to sex in exchange for gifts or money can look older than they are in reality, the adults are those responsible for abusing a child.

During big sport events children are more at risk of commercial sexual exploitation due to increased inflow of tourists, feeling of anonymity of offenders in a foreign country and organised crime activity.

Nobody's Children Foundation in Poland and Child Well- being Fund in Ukraine are running educational campaign on the issue of threats associated with commercial sexual exploitation faced by children and youth.

Situation of young children in Poland

Children aged 0-3 years constitute 21% of all children population in Poland and more than 4% of the entire population of Poles. The "Young Children in Poland" report, therefore, describes the situation of every 25th citizen of our country. The purpose of the report is to present the major findings of these areas of Polish families functioning and of the support systems that have potential impact on the welfare of children, and thus on their physical, mental and social development.
The report focuses on the broadly understood risks for the optimal development of children - from the risks of the prenatal development period of the risk, to the risks for the safety, health and stimulation in early childhood. Diagnosis of the risks contributed to formulate recommendations for the social policy which understands and values the importance of the first years of life.