Social campaign against emotional abuse in Ukraine

One of the most common type of child abuse experts consider the psychological (emotional) abuse. And professionals single out verbal abuse separately as a permanent source of trauma for children. How often parents lower child's self-esteem simply by words "stupid", "goof", "botcher". After some time such words undermine sole of a child, he or she starts to think about herself or himself "I'm bad", "I'm not smart", "Nobody can't like me"...
During March-September 2013 Child Well-Being Fund Ukraine conducts the campaign "Words hurt for life" under patronage of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. Earlier the campaign was conducted by Nobody's Children Foundation in Poland.
The campaign "Words hurt for life" is directed on child emotional abuse prevention and responsible parenting popularization.
In the frame of the campaign it is planned:
• to conduct trainings for specialists working in the sphere of family abuse prevention;
• to conduct international supervision by the expert from Nobody's Children Foundation for Ukrainian professionals;
• distribution of campaign posters and leaflets developed by Publicis Poland;
• adaptation of radio-spot of the campaign;
• to conduct educational meetings for parents on the issues of child emotional abuse prevention;
• running of Internet resource centre concerning emotional violence and its consequences.
19 government and public organizations from different regions of Ukraine joined the campaign.

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Submitted by admin on Fri, 2013-07-26 09:45.