Child as a Witness

New stage of Child - witness with special needs campaign in Poland

On 3rd March 2010 the campaign was officially inaugurated by the Minister of Justice, Children's Rights Ombudsman and Nobody's Children Foundation's director.

Activities of this year's campaign will be conducted under the theme "I will be interviewed", putting emphasis on the child's subjectivity and its right to special protection in difficult situations occurring during of legal procedures.

“How to interview a child” in Ukrainian

Child Well-Being Fund adopted a guide for professionals interviewing child witnesses -"How to interview a child". The book was originally written in Polish by Alicja Budzyńska, expert from the Nobody's Children Foundation. The publication consists of a set of practical guidelines for organising and carrying out interviews of children who take part in legal proceedings and examples of standard questions. The author emphasizes importance of assessing psychological state of a child and its developmental stage.

Expertise on legal interventions in cases of crimes against children in Macedonia

The expertise, prepared by Vasilka Bozinovska in 2008, presents regulations concerning children partcipating in legal procedures as witnesses or children who suffered abuse.

Below you can dowload the expertise

Polish Charter of Rights of the Child-Victim/Witness

The Charter was prepared by the Nobody's Children Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and Coalition for Child-Friendly Interviewing.

At the beginning of 2009 the Nobody's Children Foundation started its initiative aimed at creating a document which in a complex manner would deal with the rights of children participating in criminal proceedings. The document was to be addressed to professionals who in their everyday work meet children-victims/witnesses of crime.