Child as a Witness
The Agreements between the National Center for Child Abuse Prevention and the Ministry of Justice as well as the General Prosecutor’s Office in the field of protection within the justice system of children victims or witnesses of violence were signed in October 2010. The Agreements confirm the willingness of state institutions to cooperate with non-governmental institutions to promote and ensure the best interest of the child within the justice system of the Republic of Moldova.
The e-learning module “Child- witness in the court” in the polish language has been created by the Nobody’s Children Foundation. The e-learning may be used by the children to get them familiarized with the upcoming trial.
The 7th national conference “Helping children- victims of crime” took place in Warsaw on the 25-26 October 2010. It was organized by NCF, Ministry of Justice and the City Council of Warsaw. More than 600 professionals from Poland, especially psychologists and judges, but also prosecutors, policemen, social workers, representatives of the NGOs were participating in the conference. International guests like Elzbieta Britz and Bengt Soderstrom had their lectures on the therapy of a sexually abused child. During the conference 3 polish Friendly Interviewing Rooms were awarded with the certificates.
The conference organized by SAPI „Victimization of children. Dimension and prevention” took place in Sofia, on 9-10 November 2010. The main aim of the conference was sharing experiences and good practices with other practitioners and policy- and decision-makers active in prevention of sexual violence against children. The participation of children victims of violence in legal procedures was also a very important topic.