Child as a Witness

Children in the Union - Rights and Empowerment (CURE)

CURE is a project run by the Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority in Sweden together with its partners in nine member states of the EU - Belgium, Croatia, Romania, Finland, France, Italy, UK, Portugal, Slovakia. It is devoted to the problem of children as victims of all sorts of crimes in the criminal justice systems of the European Union.

Standards of child-friendly interview room

A child interview room shall be run by an entity having the legal power to administer such a facility.

Such a facility shall have a comfortable room which ensures the feeling of privacy and meets children's needs, to make children feel physically and psychologically secure during the interview.

First child-friendly interviewing room in Ukraine

On 27th May 2009 child-friendly interviewing room was opened by Child Well-Being Fund Ukraine in Kyiv. The creation of such room in Ukraine became possible as a result of cooperation of Child Well-Being Fund and Nobody's Children Foundation from Poland in the frame of "Childhood without Abuse - Toward a Better Child Protection System in Eastern Europe" project and with the financial support of Bread for the World (Germany).

Child as a Witness websites in Bulgaria

Social Activities and Practices Institute is operating two websites devoted to the problem of children participating in legal procedures. The websites contain useful information for professionals and caretakers as well as children - witness. They were created in the frame of different projects run by SAPI, focusing on introducing changes in Bulgarian legislation and practice that would improve the difficult situation of children taking part in legal procedures.

Below you will find the links to the websites.