Child Trafficking

Call for application - contemporary forms of slavery

The United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery allocates project grants (for a maximum of 15 000 USD), for programmes of humanitarian, legal and financial assistance to individuals whose human rights have been severely violated as a result of contemporary forms of slavery.

Contemporary forms of slavery include trafficking, sexual slavery, child labour and child servitude, debt bondage, serfdom and forced labour, forced marriage or sale of wives.

Recovery and reintegration of sexually exploited children: OAK Foundation report

Report titled "Recovery and Reintegration of Children from the Effects of Sexual Exploitation and Related Trafficking" has been recently published by OAK Foundation. The publication presents a range of best practices and interdisciplinary initiatives developed in the field of assistance to children traumatised by sexual abuse.

World Congress III against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, Brazil

On 25th - 28th November 2008, following the 1996 Stockholm and 2001 Yokohama global forums, Brazil will host the World Congress III against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Rio de Janeiro.

IPS: New EP declaration on child trafficking

According to the Inter Press Service article by David Cronin, EU is on it's way to take a new stand against trafficking in children.

Although with the Amsterdam Treaty trafficking in human beings has been named as an area of responsibility for the EU as a whole, the problems associated with trafficking are left unsolved and numbers of children trafficked within the EU are rising.