
Interdisciplinary trainings on child friendly interviewing in Poland

In June 2010 the Nobody's Children Foundation conducted training titled "Child - witness with special needs. Practice of friendly interviewing of child witnesses." Two-day training was addressed to interdisciplinary teams of judges, prosecutors and psychologists participating in interviewing minors and cooperating under a particular local court. The aim of the training was to enhance participants knowledge regarding child victims of crime and methods of interviewing minor witnesses, with particular reference to interviewing under art. 185 a and b of Code of Criminal Procedure (185a refers to minors below 15 - victims of sexual violence or family violence and 185 b refers to minors below 15 who witnessed sexual violence or other crime with a use of violence), assisting child and the family in the course of intervention, as well as establishing a connection with a child who suffered from traumatic experience.

Training on institutionalization and prevention of child abuse in Macedonia

In September 2009 First Children's Embassy in the Word „Megjashi" organised training devoted to the problem of institutionalization, respect of children rights and protection against child abuse within the institutions. The training gathered representatives of almost all residential institutions in Macedonia and other relevant state agencies directly engaged in the child protection system.

Trainings on child abuse in institutions in Latvia

In November 2009 Center against Abuse "Dardedze" invited professionals for two trainings titled "Child abuse in institutions - recognizing, helping, stopping". 40 participants, mainly social workers, care workers and psychologists from child care institutions, were introduced to the basics of the phenomenon. A lot of time was dedicated to identifying possible cases of abuse in institutions represented by the participants and problem solving. Resilience approach as an effective approach in working with children in institutions was also introduced.

Trainings on prevention of child abuse in Bulgaria

In September 2009 two local trainings for social workers, educators, psychologists and pedagogues were carried out by Social Activities and Practices Institute. During the first event the participants were given general information about the problem of child abuse and services of support for victims of violence.