
Life in prison for child sexual abuse

The sanctions for child sexual abuse in Macedonia are about to extend to life in prison, and new articles referring to production and use of child pornography and trafficking with minors are set to be incorporated in the Criminal Code.The draft-amendments to the Criminal Code, including the extended sanctions, have been approved at the last session of the government.

The perpetrator of the crime "child sexual abuse" on persons aged under 14, is subject to at least 4 years imprisonment.

STOP! to the violence against children

The First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi started a campaign against the violence over children in Macedonia.

Children from Macedonia joined the world campaign for education

Children from across Macedonia marked the campaign for their inclusion in education, entitled "Join Us!

I am going to court

I am going to court - cover, Latvia
I am going to court - cover, Latvia
The activity book for children to help them in getting ready for witnessing in court. It is dedicated for younger children (5-12 years old) and should be filled in by a child under the supervision of a professional or a parent or a caregiver. By short and easy description it helps to understand the institution of court justice and the role and obligations of a little witness. The book was published in Poland in 2002.