The research on the Childhood without Violence campaign in Lithuania

Awareness of the campaign
Awareness of the campaign
The objective of the research carried out in February 2006 by TNS Gallup for Children Support Centre was to estimate if Lithuania’s people are aware of the ongoing “Childhood without Violence” campaign and how useful the campaign is.

The report proves that the “Children without Violence” campaign was successful both on the awareness and usefulness aspects. The majority of the respondents knew about the campaign and almost all of them claimed it was necessary. As far as the delivery model is concerned the most successful way of providing information was TV and radio broadcasting, while the least likely way to reach the audience was the posters and leaflets.

The more detailed version of the report is available below.

Childhood without Violence campaign Lithuania.ppt1001 KB

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2007-05-09 15:03.