Saugaus Vaiko Centras – Secure Child Center

Saugaus Vaiko Centras is a public non-profit institution working for a vision of secure child who actualizes his potential in a caring and loving environment. The organization defines its goals as prevention and intervention of child abuse and other child crises through implementing multidisciplinary services for children and families, educating professionals, adults and children in the community.

The idea of creating a center in Kaunas for prevention and treatment of child abuse emerged during the training provided by Open Society Institute-NY where several mental health professionals from Kaunas have participated since 1997. 1998-1999 were two long years of meeting with officials and foundations, preparing necessary documents, searching for founders, sponsors and facilities, formulating vision and defining activities. Finally, Saugaus Vaiko Centras was founded by Open Society Fund-Lithuania and Kaunas County Administration and registered in 28.12.1999.

There are numerous programmes carried on by the Saugaus Vaiko Centras:

More information is available on the webpage 

Submitted by admin on Mon, 2007-05-07 11:06.