Sexual abuse in residential institutions

Sexual abuse suffered by children in residential institutions is still largely unrecognised problem in East European countries. With an aim to plan research and prevention initiatives organisations participating in the Childhood without Abuse Project prepared situational analyses concerning this issue. The reviews focus mainly on statistical data and research observations available, legal regulations and good practices identified in each country. Bulgarian, Polish, Latvian and Lithuanian reviews have been produced in the frame of "Sexual Violence against Children in Residential Institutions" project, supported by the European Commission in the frame of Daphne III Programme and coordinated by Social Activities and Practices Institute based in Sofia.

Below you can download the reviews.

Daphne Bulgaria.doc244.5 KB
Daphne Latvia.doc673.5 KB
Daphne Lithuania.doc346.5 KB
Daphne Poland.doc627 KB
Prevention of sexual abuse Macedonia.doc136 KB
Prevention of sexual abuse Moldova.doc201.5 KB
Prevention of sexual abuse Ukraine.doc100.5 KB
Daphne Bulgaria_Bulgarian.doc374.5 KB