Child as a Witness campaign in Bulgaria

Social Practices and Activities Institute has carried out the second stage of the Child as a Witness campaign, conducted under the slogan „Your Honour, I have the right not to be scared". First stage of the campaign was conducted in 2007 in all Childhood Without Abuse Project countries.



The campaign posters were hung in legal institutions in Bulgaria. The creation was originally prepared for the Nobody's Children Foundation by advertising agency - VA Strategic Communication Poland.

Moreover a booklet "I will be a witness in Court" was also developed. Its purpose is to help children and youth to get prepared for taking part in legal proceedings. Below you can download the booklet in pdf.




The campaign activities were part of the "Coalition for child-friendly interviewing" Project financed by Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe.

I'll be a witness in court_Bulgarian.pdf8.14 MB

Submitted by admin on Thu, 2009-03-05 13:32.