Child Abuse and Neglect

Commisioner for Human Rights report on Macedonia

The report is a result of Commissioner's assessment visit to Macedonia in February 2008.
Among other things, the report is addressing rights of children and the issue of violence against children.

International Labour Organisation on commercial sexual exploitation of children

The ILO's International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) was created in 1992 with the overall goal of the progressive elimination of child labour, which was to be achieved through strengthening the capacity of countries to deal with the problem and promoting a worldwide movement to combat child labour.

Preparations of National Action Plan for prevention of violence against children under way in Bulgaria

On 15th and 16th December in Sofia a group of fifty child protection professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions participated in consultative meeting organized by Social Activities and Practices Institute and UNICEF Bulgaria, with support of State Agency for Child Protection. The meeting provided opportunity to strengthen efforts at local and national level, aiming to find solutions for better protection of children and intervention in identified cases of violence against children.

New See it, Hear it, Say it campaign websites

In Bulgaria and Lithuania See it, Say it, Hear it campaign impact has been increased with use of informative websites.

On the campaign websites you can find information about the aim of the campaign, general information about child abuse phenomena. However their main objective is to guide people witnessing violence and provide telephone number and email address where cases of abuse can be reported.

Click on the image to enter the website.