Child Abuse and Neglect

International supervision in Latvia

The international supervision took place on December 15/16th 2010 with Brenda Molloy from Ireland (the programme "Community mothers"), who shared her experiences of engaging volunteers in supporting families with young babies in order to reduce the risk of child abuse in such families.

Report on the problem of child abuse

The report developed in 2010 by the Nobody's Children Foundation in the frame of the "Childhood without abuse" project compares the attitudes towards child abuse in 6 countries: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine.

Challenging the corporal punishment

The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and Save the Children Sweden have jointly published a new guide which provides children's rights advocates with guidelines, suggestions and strategies on how to challenge the legality of corporal punishment in all settings, including the home, school and justice and care settings.

The conference on Evidence-Based Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders

The conference “European Debate on Evidence-Based Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders”, will be held in The Hague, The Netherlands, in February 14th-15th 2011.  This conference is organized by the Government of Catalonia and by Radboud University from Nijmegen and is the endpoint of the European Project DataPrev (“Developing the Evidence base for Mental Health Promotion and Prevention in Europe: Database of programs and the production of guidelines for policy and practice”).