Child Abuse and Neglect

Local trainings for professionals in the Ukraine

In November and December 2010 Child Well-Being Fund conducted two local trainings for specialists of services for children, centres of social services for family, youth and sport, psychologists and non-government representatives. The first one was devoted to the topic: Exposure of child abuse cases and the second one:  Interviewing the children-victims of crime.
Altogether 50 participants has been trained.

International supervision in Lithuania

On 4-5th of February 2011 Alicja Budzynska, psychologist from the Nobody's Children Foundation (Poland) held internation supervision for Lithuania's psychologists working with children -victims of sexual abuse. The topic was the clinical evaluation of children in cases of sexual abuse. In the supervision participated 22 lithuanian psychologists.

The UNICEF report on child disciplinary practises at home

UNICEF launched their new report  "Child disciplinary practises at home", which revealed that three out of four children surveyed experience some form of violent discipline, about half experience some form of physical punishment, and three in four experience psychological aggression.

The report on the Situation of Roma Children in Moldova

The report on the Situation of Roma Children in Moldova aims to call for action on social inclusion of them. The purpose of the study is to analyse the situation of Roma children in the Republic of Moldova through the synthesis of available data and information on Roma children in Moldova as well as by checking data reliability in order to identify the gaps and provide recommendations for further development of surveys and studies in this domain.