
Local training in Poland

On 20.02 and 1.03 the training with the international expert took place in Warsaw. The expert was Anna Norlen, psychologist and psychiatrist form Sweden. The topic of the supervision were the methods of work with children, who experienced abuse. In the supervision participated 30 professionals- 1 participant from Ukraine (Child Well-Being Fund) and 2 from Lithuania (Children Support Center).

Resource center in polish language

The resource centre in the polish language http://fdn.pl/baza-wiedzy has been developed in the frame of the "Chidlhood without abuse" project by Nobody's Children Foundation. It contains materials to such topics as: child sexual abuse, violence against children, commercial sexual exploitation of children, children participating in legal procedures, positive parenting and protection of children in the internet. The materials include articles, brochures, research, legal acts, -e-learnings and other important documents.

Publications on the child sexual abuse

The manual “Sexually abused child. Diagnosis, intervention, assistance” and the translation of  Bengt Soderstrom book “Methods of therapy of sexually abused children” were published (in polish language) by the Nobody’s Children Foundation in teh frame of the „Childhood against abuse” project. The manual is the first complex book about the most important issues in the field of child sexual abuse.

The report on issue of child trafficking in Poland- views and experiences of professionals

The study was carried out by Nobody’s Children Foundation in 2009 in the framework of Mario project. Present report is a summary of views and experiences described by representatives of various occupations who – in their professional capacity – are likely to encounter children – victims of trafficking or children from groups at risk (e.g. separated minors).