Justice system in Moldova becomes more youth-friendly and moves closer to international standards

UNICEF and the Supreme Court Justice of Moldova announced that the justice system in Moldova has become more youth-friendly and closer to European and international standards. This is largely due to amendments to the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code adopted by Parliament in August 2006.

The amendments to legislation affecting children in conflict with the law have already yielded results. The maximum term of detention for children under 18 was reduced from 15 years to 12.5 years and the length of time that they can be held before being formally charged with a crime has been reduced from 72 hours to 24 hours. Furthermore, criminal investigations of children are now the responsibility of the Prosecutor’s Office and not the police. Additionally, children already in detention are allowed a review of the case files that sent them to prison.


You can read more on the site of UNICEF Moldova:


Submitted by admin on Wed, 2007-09-05 14:31.