Protecting children online conference

On 6th May 2010 in Brussels the European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online (eNACSO) will hold the conference "Protecting Children Online". The conference will mark the launch the eNACSO's call for action and recommendations to government's, industry and other relevant stakeholders. The conference will bring together children's rights organisations, senior EU policy-makers, industry representatives, and others to discuss issues including children and the new breed of location services, the EU challenges of protecting children online, children and the EU's Digital Agenda.

The European NGO Alliance for Child Safety Online is a network consisting of children's rights NGOs from across the EU working for a safer online environment for children. Their mission is to promote and support actions at national, European and international level to protect children and promote their rights in relation to the Internet and new technologies. eNACSO is funded by the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme.

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Submitted by admin on Tue, 2010-04-06 15:05.