SAPI published Review of the child protection system and children’s welfare in Bulgaria – Report for 2012

The report is published every year in the frame of the partnership international projects: „Childhood without Abuse - Toward a Better Child Protection System in Eastern Europe Project", financed by OAK foundation and „Protecting the right of child-victims of crime to psychological assistance and child-friendly interviewing procedures", financed by the "Fundamental rights" program of the European Commission.
Focuses of the Bulgarian report this year was placed on both the prevention of violence against young children (0-3years) by providing professional support and encourages them to "good parenting" and also on support for children who have suffered violence.

This publication provides an opportunity to meet different perspectives, different voices sound together and it makes it even goes beyond the task named "Report" assigns.


The report is available here

Submitted by admin on Tue, 2013-03-26 12:01.