The Nobodys Children Foundation

The Nobody's Children Foundation is a nonprofit non-governmental organization, which provides a broad scope of assistance to abused children, their parents, and guardians.

The Foundation's activities are addressed to physically, psychologically, and sexually abused and neglected children, their parents and guardians, as well as professionals dealing with cases of child abuse.
Our main goal is to develop an efficient aid system for abused children, a system that would integrate activities of state institutions, local authorities and non-governmental organizations working for the benefit of children in the particular region.

We provide short- and long-term assistance to victims of abuse and to their guardians. Moreover, we offer psychological, educational, and legal counseling to people who have contact with cases of child abuse. We organize specialist training programs on problems related to child abuse for various professional groups and interdisciplinary teams. We conduct research and analyses that broaden knowledge about the problem and form the basis for our activities.

The Foundation's team consists of experienced experts in problems related to child abuse. Though differing in life perspectives, they are all firmly convinced that abused children and their families need to be helped. This conviction stems both from the knowledge of the detrimental health, developmental and social effects of abuse on any human being, and from the belief that it is our moral obligation to support the weak, the helpless and the confused, whenever and wherever we encounter them.

More information on the webpage

Submitted by admin on Mon, 2007-04-23 14:03.