COTE Foundation

Foundation COTE exists as part of Children on the Edge, an international children's charity that works for orphaned, marginalized and vulnerable children around the world, regardless of their country's political, economic or social system.
Children on the Edge's vision is a world without suffering, where all children are able to grow-up in a loving and stable environment; a world in which all children regardless of their race, nationality or parentage have equal access to their rights and the opportunities that will allow them to fulfill their potential wherever they may be in the world.
In Romania, Foundation COTE focuses on the needs of children who have experienced life in an institution. COTE aims to ensure that all teenagers leaving Romanian institutions will no longer be vulnerable or at risk, and therefore be able to integrate fully into society.

More information is available on the website

Submitted by admin on Fri, 2007-05-25 07:47.