
Congress and coordinators meeting in Leipzig

National coordinators of Childhood Abuse Project participated in 12th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Heath held on 29th June - 3rd July 2010 in Leipzig, Germany. Among the variety of topics focused on during the conference were child psychotherapy, attachment disorders, brain development and early prevention strategies. New knowledge gained due to participation in the event will contribute to planning next years' project activities directed toward parents of small children.

6th Conference “Helping children – victims of crime”

On 26th and 27th October 2009 in Warsaw annual conference devoted to the issue of assistance to abused children and protection of children participating in legal procedures was organised by the Nobody's Children Foundation, Social Policy Department of Warsaw City Hall and Ministry of Justice. Being the most important and the largest of this kind of events in Poland the conference gathered more then 550 professionals working in the area of psychology, law, social services and non-governmental organizations supporting children.

Bulgaria: Child witness in criminal proceedings – multidisciplinary approach

On 11th - 12th November 2008 international seminar "Child witness in criminal proceedings - multidisciplinary approach" took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event was organized by Social Activities and Practices Institute - Bulgarian Partner of the Childhood without Abuse Project, with cooperation of the Nobody's Children Foundation and the Bulgarian Judges Association.

Coordinators Meeting in Sofia

On 10th November 2008 Childhood without Abuse Project coordinators meeting took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. Annual coordinators meetings serve as an opportunity to share information about the project implementation in each country, positive outcomes as well as difficulties.