From 10th to 12th December 2008 in Samokov, Macedonia, First Children's Embassy in the World - Megjashi, carried out a training on the topic of
ā€˛Multidisciplinary approach in the field of child abuse and neglect - recognizing, understanding, intervening".
There were 27 participants from governmental and non-governmental institutions (8 from Bulgaria and 16 from Macedonia), including representatives from Center of Social Work in Skopje, Skopje courts, Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department of Juvenile Delinquency in Bitola, juvenile detention institutions in Ohrid and Skopje, Daily Center for Children in Skopje, and SOS Village for Children.
Stanislav Petkovski, specialist in medical psychology and visiting professor on Academy Italiana, together with
Kevin Browne, professor of forensic and child psychology at the University of Liverpool and OAK Foundation external evaluator, led the discussions.
All participants had the opportunity to gain professional knowledge in the field of systemic therapy and transactional analysis. The importance of interpersonal communication and unwanted effects of its lack were emphasized. Moreover, negative consequences of institutionalizing children at early age were discussed.
The training mainly allowed the participants to become familiar with multidisciplinary approach to violence prevention, rather then dealing with its consequences.