I only forwarded: Centrs Dardedze anti-sexting campaign

The campaign was announced in September 2016 in Latvia by Centrs Dardedze. Prior to it, the organization did an elaborate work to find out what would be the most urgent aspect of the sexting topic that they would need to address to a wider society, that is not being addressed by anyone.



The diagnosis consisted of several steps: 

1) Organization of a round table discussion with organizations working with this issue on their agenda. The round table took place on August 18th. There were representatives from NetSafe, State Police, 116111, Children's Rights Inspectorate, Centrs Dardedze and www.cietusajiem.lv (information and support providers to crime victims or crime witness). After the discussion the main concern about the sexting issue was highlighted – the organizations would address the problem in general, but with a specific focus on the so called "bystanders" or those who would receive the image in their devices and would pass it on without a consideration.

2) 3 focus groups were organized – each one consisted of young people from 7th, 9th and 11th grade and gave them the opportunity to share their opinions about the risks of sexual exploitation (and also sexting). Shortly before the campaign Centrs Dardedze conducted a survey among young people and parents. There were almost 700 respondents to the survey among young people between 12 – 17 years. There were 120 parent respondents to this survey. One of the main findings is that the staggering number of children have faced sexting as a problem in their lives - 69%.

As a result of the diagnosis the group of partner organizations ran an informational campaign :

1) Grabbed attention on the issue by an outdoor poster, posters for schools, flyers for schools, radio spots that were played in Latvia Radio1 and Latvia Radio5 (this one is the main radio that young people listen to).

2) Developed a lesson scenario for teachers to be implemented with children 5th - 9th grade and conducted a training for the first group of teachers

3) Published a video developed by the Children's Rights Inspectorate. Inspectorate were also partners in forming the group of parents and for distributing the materials to the schools.

4) The partner organizations raised awareness about the issue through various media channels as well and still continue to do so. 

Here you can find the radio spots for the campaign:

Girl (for young people): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALJuxJqgi_0

Boy (for young people) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_VcHf1adEQ

For parents:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNyItEBV_08&feature=youtu.be


Submitted by admin on Tue, 2016-10-25 07:51.