
Eurochild’s Annual Conference 2008

Eurochild is holding its fifth Annual Conference under the title "Including Children: a child rights approach to child well-being". The event will be organized in cooperation with Hungarian organization Family, Child & Youth Association. The conference will be held from 5th to 7th November 2008, in Budapest, Hungary.

Juvenile Justice in Hungary

International Juvenile Justice Observatory presents an interview with Erika Varadi, Criminology Professor at the Sciences Institute's Criminals, Criminal Law and Criminology Department of the Miskolc University in Hungary. Ms Varadi analyses the development of juvenile justice and youth delinquency prevention systems in Hungary. Application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, needs of youth at risk of delinquency and prevention programmes are among discussed issues.

International Missing Children’s Day

On 25th of May, the International Missing Children's Day was celebrated across Europe. It provided an opportunity to commemorate missing children, express support to parents and victims and raise awareness about the issue. Inspired by the action carried out in Canada, the forget-me-not has been adopted as a symbol for Missing Children's Day in Europe.

Kek Vonal in Hungary





"Kek Vonal" has a nationally available child helpline that deals with both counseling and emergencies. "Kék Vonal Child Crisis Foundation" also operates as an emergency line for missing children, and on a separate telephone number runs a helpline for professionals dealing with children. "Kek Vonal" has been established in 1993 and became a CHI member in 2003.