Site Visits in York

Police Interview Room
Police Interview Room
As an activity complementary to the ISPCAN Conference in York in 2006 the representatives of the organizations participating in the Childhood without Abuse Project attended two site visits.
The first site visit one was organized in the Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit in York, where the participants saw the police' interview room. It was equipped with cameras and microphones, but what surprised the guests was that there were no additional stuff like table or toys. The policemen presented also the room for parents, where they can watch their child's interview without interfering it. In the same building there was a doctor's room, where a child may be instantly examined and diagnosed.



NSPCC Therapy Room
NSPCC Therapy Room
The second site visit took place in the York office of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), the oldest organization working to protect children from cruelty in UK. The NSPCC workers presented their methods of children's therapy and ways of working with children's mothers and showed the NSPCC therapeutic rooms. The guests got acquainted with the history of the open support groups for mothers and discussed the NSPCC experiences of working with fathers of children - victims of crime.
Both of these site visits were really inspiring for the local activities of organization participating in Childhood without Abuse Project.


Submitted by admin on Thu, 2007-05-17 13:16.