Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in detention in Greece

© Rafael Ben-Ari – Fotolia.com
© Rafael Ben-Ari – Fotolia.com
The United Nations Secretary-General confirmed in 2013 in his report "International migration and development" that "detention of migrant children constitutes a violation of child rights."

Detention has a serious long-term impact on children, including harm to their development, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and memory loss. HRW research found that children in detention in Greece live in unsanitary conditions, often with unrelated adults, and can be subject to abuse and ill-treatment by police. Furthermore, detained children are often unable to receive medical treatment, psychological counseling, or legal aid. Few even know the reasons for their detention or how long they will be behind bars.

HRW recommends Greece to work on increasing its shelter capacity, find alternatives to detention, and establish a functional and comprehensive foster family system. It is urgent to find space in open facilities for children who are currently in custody. HRW also calls the other EU members states to speed up family reunification for children with relatives in other EU countries, and to participate in the procedure of relocation of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, even if they lack family ties. It is the challenge and time is important as arrivals of asylum seekers and migrants to Greece continue.

Infographics presenting update of the situation of unaccompanied children in Greece

HRW report "Why Are You Keeping Me Here?: Unaccompanied Children Detained in Greece" (2016)  

Myrto Tilianaki, "Asylum-Seeking Kids Locked Up in Greece", (23.01.2018)

Submitted by admin on Fri, 2018-01-26 14:37.